Meinssen Handmade Rosaries
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rosary catalogue
General Information
devotional chaplets
rosary bracelets
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parts catalogue
General Information
General Information
Stack I: How to pray the Rosary
Stack II: Chaplets on the Rosary
Stack II: Configured Chaplets
Stack II: Nine Bead Chaplets
Stack III: Writings of the Saints
General Information
Materials and Sizing: Beads
Materials and Sizing: Wire and Rings
Materials and Sizing: Findings
Wiring: Tools
Wiring: Making Simple Loops
Wiring: Wire Wrapping
Build a Rosary: Layout
Build a Rosary: Step-by-Step Photo Guide
Build a Rosary: Advanced
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My Account
rosary catalogue
rosary catalogue
General Information
devotional chaplets
rosary bracelets
gift certificates
parts catalogue
parts catalogue
General Information
General Information
Stack I: How to pray the Rosary
Stack II: Chaplets on the Rosary
Stack II: Configured Chaplets
Stack II: Nine Bead Chaplets
Stack III: Writings of the Saints
General Information
Materials and Sizing: Beads
Materials and Sizing: Wire and Rings
Materials and Sizing: Findings
Wiring: Tools
Wiring: Making Simple Loops
Wiring: Wire Wrapping
Build a Rosary: Layout
Build a Rosary: Step-by-Step Photo Guide
Build a Rosary: Advanced
Meinssen Handmade Rosaries
Female Saints
Jesus & Mary
Male Saints
MHR Collection
St. Gemma & St. Gabriel Possenti Medal
from $13.03
Saint Mary Magdalene Medal
from $6.79
Saint Michael Peril of the Sea Medal
from $10.14
Saint Rita and the Sacred Heart
from $10.10
Saint Gertrude the Great Medal
from $5.84
Saint Agnes and Mary Immaculate Medal
from $14.79
Saint Cecilia Medal
from $11.14
Rose Framed Our Lady of Perpetual Help/Sacred Heart Medal
from $6.63
Round St. Martin of Tours Medal
from $11.30
Oval St. Benedict Medal
from $8.46
Plain Ecce Homo Medal
from $6.83
St. Francis/Sacred Heart Medal
from $7.00
Large St. Odile Medal
from $7.79
Quo Vadis Medal
from $7.65
The Holy Robe Medal
from $9.17
Rococo Infant of Prague Medal
from $8.66
Mother of Sorrows Jerusalem Medal
from $10.06
St. Maurice Medal
from $11.20
Jesus With Spina Christi Medal
from $8.58
St. Rita & St. Ignatius Medal
from $8.00
Graceful Frame Miraculous Medal
from $5.35
St. Therese Round Shower of Roses Medal
from $6.37
St. Pio & Holy Mary of Grace Medal
from $8.97
Cartouche St. Michael Medal
from $8.60
St. Peter & Mamertine Prison Medal
from $6.79
Sacred Heart with Host Medal
from $11.04
Small St. Anne D'Auray Medal
from $5.96
Small Oval Miraculous Medal
from $6.29
Small St. Joseph & Guardian Angel Medal
from $6.79
Holy Family & St. Anne Medal
from $8.17
St. Paul & Holy Spirit Medal
from $8.48
Sacred Heart & St. Jude Medal
from $5.39
Small Rose Garland Scapular Medal
from $4.97
Ave Maria & Lourdes Medal
from $13.94
Small Immaculate Conception Medal
from $4.95
Angular Annunciation Menton Medal
from $5.78
Small St. Monica Medal
from $5.20
Our Lady of Good Council & St. Augustine Medal
from $5.88
Tiny Miraculous Medal
from $3.63
Flared Shield Infant of Prague Medal
from $8.53
Loaves and Fishes Medal
from $9.91
1890 Scapular Medal
from $14.53
Ribbon Scapular Medal
from $15.41
Sts. Francis & Clare Medal
from $19.01
Monstrance with Angels Medal
from $36.81
St. Joseph Medal
from $18.47
Stella Maris Medal
from $10.01
Our Lady of the Road Medal
from $18.47
Our Lady of Grace Medal
from $26.59
St. Michael With Beehives Medal
from $17.55
Our Lord of Good Hope Medal
from $18.65
Sancta Anna Medal
from $9.09
Figural St. Anthony Medal
from $18.11
Large Fatima Medal
from $23.61
St. Michael & the Dragon Medal
from $8.29
Figural Sacred Heart Medal
from $15.41
St. Francis & the Creatures Medal
from $20.13
St. Pio & the Sacred Heart Medal
from $14.33
St. Agnes of Rome Medal
from $9.49
Stella Maris with Stars Medal
from $5.13
Small Figural St. Pio Medal
from $8.21
St. Therese Rose & Crown Medal
from $11.05
Divine Mercy Medal
from $9.07
Agnus Dei / Risen Christ Medal
from $14.13
Trinity / Holy Spirit Medal
from $9.07
St. Cecilia / Catacombs Medal
from $23.91
Figural Infant of Prague with Sacred Heart Medal
from $10.71
Holy Spirit & Immaculate Heart Medal
from $9.67
St. Michael Fighting the Devil Medal
from $5.63
Menton Annuciation Medal
from $8.27
Delicate Heart Shaped Our Lady of Lourdes Medal
from $3.71
1st Communion Mary & Lily Medal
from $30.93
Magdalene & Guardian Angel Medal
from $4.47
Hooded St. Benedict Medal
from $10.45
Sorrowful Mother With Starry Halo Medal
from $12.21
St. Jude & Jesus Medal
from $11.39
St. Anne of Beaupre Medal
from $16.07
Pax Chrisi Eucharist Medal
from $11.83
Heart of Jesus / St. Agatha Medal
from $16.99
Way of the Cross Medal
from $17.61
St. Philomena Entombed Medal
from $13.73
Seven Sorrows Set 1 Medal
from $26.47
Miraculous Medal With Lilies Medal
from $5.25
Small Angel Wing Medal
from $2.03
Jesus & Mary Cartouche Medal
from $14.75
Framed O.L. of Perpetual Help Medal
from $13.25
Large Round Miraculous Medal
from $20.01
XL Guardian Angel With Seraphim Medal
from $36.81
Jesus Blessing / JMJ Medal
from $17.43
St. Catherine with St. Barbara Medal
from $25.73
Saint Lucy Medal
from $4.51
Glorious Angel Medal
from $16.53